A stomach ulcer is a painful sore that happens on the inner lining of the stomach. Actually it is a type of peptic ulcer disease. This disease is commonly found on the inner side of the stomach and the upper part of the small intestine. This disease happens when the protective layer of the stomach becomes weak. In this blog, our main motive or the topic of discussion is stomach ulcer, its causes, symptoms and treatment. We will also cover the preventive measures and some simple home remedies to treat this harmful and dangerous ulcer.
What is a stomach ulcer
An ulcer in the stomach is an open sore that mainly develops in the lining of the stomach. This ulcer does not have a proper size and varies in size and it also become the cause of discomfort and pain.

Some people are also confused between the two terms. First is a stomach ulcer and the second is a duodenal ulcer but there is a big difference between these two and the difference lies in the location. As described earlier, stomach ulcer is found in the stomach lining while the duodenal ulcer occurs in the first part of the small intestine.
Common causes
If you really want to get rid of this dangerous ulcer, then you must know the causes. It is very important and even compulsory to know the factors that become the cause of this disease. Now, let’s discuss the common causes of this disease.
Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) Infection: One of the most common and mostly seen cause of this ulcer is an infection caused by H. pylori bacteria. This bacterium has the great ability to damage the inner linings of the stomach. It damages the protective lining of the stomach and becomes the main cause of the ulcer of the stomach.
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): If you use NSAIDs for a long time then it becomes the major cause of this disease. NSAIDs include ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen and many more types of drugs. These medications damage the inner lining of the stomach and thus lead to ulcers.

Excessive stomach acid production: There are some individuals that produce too much acid in the stomach. This acid then can overwhelm the natural defense ability of the stomach. Some rare conditions like Zollinger-Ellison syndrome cause an excessive amount of acid in the stomach and thus lead to stomach ulcers.
Smoking and alcohol: Both smoking and alcohol consumption can damage the inner lining of the stomach and increase the production of acid in the stomach and thus raise the risk of stomach ulcer. So, smoking and consumption of alcohol are the main causes of the ulcer.
Stress and spicy food: While these factors do not directly affect the inner lining of the stomach but indirectly both of these can also become the major cause. If a person already has an ulcer then eating spicy food is very dangerous for the body of that person and it also becomes worse sometimes.
Genetic predisposition: It is also the large cause of the ulcer. If someone has a family background of ulcer or anyone in the family has ulcers then there is a high chance to have ulcers in you. So, genetic conditions also become the greatest cause of stomach ulcers.
The symptoms of this disease vary form one person to another and this variation depends upon the size and severity of the ulcer. Some lucky people may have light pain, but on the other hand there may be some people who have huge or severe pain. Some common symptoms of stomach ulcer are given below:

Burning pain in the stomach: The burning pain in the stomach is the main and most common symptom of this ulcer. This pain is typically between the chest and the belly button. It may be mild or severe. This pain often becomes worse or severe when the stomach is empty.
Bloating: People who face this disease often feel bloated or we also say that the feeling of fullness after eating.
Indigestion: Ulcer can also be the cause of indigestion, which may lead to discomfort, heartburn and burping.
Nausea and vomiting: Nausea and vomiting are also the main and common symptoms of the ulcer of the stomach. Some people with stomach ulcers may feel nausea or vomit and this feeling is especially active after eating.
Weight loss: Weight loss is also the major symptom of stomach ulcer and this is due to loss of appetite. When someone has an ulcer in their stomachs, then weight loss and loss of appetite become the major problem.
Vomiting blood and passing black stools: In the severe or critical case of stomach ulcer, an ulcer may bleed. This can lead to blood in vomit and stools and it is the sign of internal bleeding.
This symptom is the most severe or serious among all. Seek medical attention immediately in case of this situation.
If you experience any of these symptoms or you think you have an ulcer in your stomach then contact your doctor immediately and seek medical attention.

When you go towards the doctor and he suspects that you have an ulcer in your stomach then the doctor can diagnose the condition using several methods and the methods are given below:
Medical history and physical exam: When you go towards the doctor he will ask you about your symptoms and medical history. The doctor may also ask about your previous medications.
Endoscopy: An endoscopy is one of the most common and perfect ways to diagnose stomach ulcer. In this procedure, a thin and flexible tube with a camera is inserted into your stomach. This allows the doctor to examine the inner linings of the stomach and detect the ulcer if any.
H. pylori testing: As described earlier, these bacteria is a common cause of ulcer, your doctor may perform a test to diagnose the bacteria. There are several ways to diagnose the ulcer that was done by these bacteria. This can be done through blood tests, stool test or a urea breath test.
Treatment of stomach ulcer
The treatment of ulcers depends upon causes. When we overcome the causes it becomes treatment. The main and most effective cause of stomach ulcer in acid. If we reduce or lessen the quantity of acid from the stomach then the ulcer will be cured. There are many ulcers that can be treated with medication. Now, let’s discuss the treatment.

Antibiotics: If your ulcer is caused by H. pylori infection, then your doctor will give you antibiotics to treat this disease or to kill the bacteria.
Proton pump inhibitors: These drugs reduce the production of acid from the stomach which helps ulcers to heal.
Antacids: This method can provide quick relief by neutralizing the acid of stomach. It is a quick method thus does not treat the underlying causes of the ulcer.
Lifestyle change
In addition to taking medicines, the change in lifestyle can also help in treating stomach ulcer. You must do some little bit changes in your lifestyle to treat or prevent stomach ulcer.
Avoid NSAIDs: Must try to limit or avoid the use of NSAIDs. If you already take these medicines then visit your doctor and take advice from them about the safer alternative. You may also take this mediation with a protective agent like a PPI after the advice of your doctor.
Quit smoking: As discussed earlier, smoking is the main cause of the ulcer of the stomach. So, you must try to avoid smoking.

Limit alcohol: Reducing the consumption of alcohol can lower the risk of stomach ulcer.
Eat a healthy diet: A healthy and balanced diet is very important for a healthy lifestyle. If you have the symptoms of this disease then you must avoid spicy, acidic, or fried foods because these foods can irritate your stomach.
Doing surgery for stomach ulcers is rare and is only necessary in case of severity where bloating may occur. Surgical options for stomach ulcer are given below:
Vagotomy: In this case, the nerve is cut that stimulates acid production in the stomach.
Partial Gastrectomy: In this treatment, the part of the stomach is removed to reduce the pain.
Pyloroplasty: In his case, doctors try to Wide the area between the stomach and the small intestine so, that the stomach may empty faster and when the stomach in empty pain become lesser.

Home remedies for ulcer
In addition to the Medical treatment there are several home remedies that help to treat ulcer. However, it’s essential to consult with doctor before trying any home remedies. The home remedies of stomach ulcer are given below.
Probiotics: The food with a great quantity of probiotics can help in restoring the balance of good bacteria in the gut. Probiotics mainly include yogurt. It is not only good for gut health but also promote the process of healing.
Honey: Honey has antibacterial properties in it that has the ability to fight with bacteria that become the cause of ulcer.

Garlic: Garlic has antimicrobial properties in it and helps in inhibiting the growth of H. pylori bacteria.
Cabbage: Cabbage is a very good thing for strengthening the inner linings of the stomach.
Stomach ulcer is a very dangerous disease and sometimes becomes the cause of death. Timely treatment can save the life of you and your loved ones. Please see the Doctor immediately in case of this disease. You must take care of your health properly.
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