Green vegetables are very important for the human body because of their great impact on the body of humans. They are the rich source of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. They are very important for maintaining health. In this blog, we will explore the many reasons why green vegetables are important for the human body. We also discuss their benefits as well as impact on the body. This blog also defines how you can incorporate more of them in your diet. In simple words, in this blog we will cover everything you need to know about vegetables and their benefits.
Nutritional benefits of green vegetables
Green vegetables are a rich source of variety of nutrients that are very important and necessary for the human body. These nutrients include vitamins, fibers, minerals, and antioxidants.

Vitamin A: This vitamin is important for good vision. It clears your vision and also able to give you a healthy immune system. It also improves the functioning of heart, lungs, and kidneys. Some vegetables like spinach and kale are the rich source of vitamin A.
Vitamin C: This vitamin is known for its immune boosting functionality. Vitamin C also helps in the growth and repair of tissue in all parts of the body. Some vegetables like broccoli and Brussels are the excellent source of vitamin C.
Vitamin K: This vitamin plays a very important role in bone health. It also important for blood clotting. Leafy greens like kale, spinach and Swiss are the high source of vitamin K.
Vitamin B9: Vitamin B9 known as Folate is important for cell division and the formation of DNA. It is very important and necessary for the health of pregnant women. Lettuce are also the big source of folate.
Greenly vegetables are also the big source of minerals. There are many things that are found in vegetables like iron, calcium and many more.

Iron: Iron plays an important role in the production of hemoglobin which has the ability to carry oxygen in the blood. Hence, iron is very important for our body.
Calcium: Green vegetables also provides calcium which is essential for healthy bones and teeth. Kale and collard are the best things that provide good and high amount of calcium.
Magnesium: Magnesium is involved in various biochemical reactions so it is necessary for the body. Its main function is to control sugar in blood and also has the ability to lower blood pressure. Spinach and Swiss are rich in magnesium.
Potassium: Potassium are able to maintain normal fluid balance. It also has the ability to maintain nerve functioning and muscles contractions.
Green vegetables are the rich and excellent source of fibers. Fiber has the ability to maintain your digestive health. It is also helpful in lowering blood cholesterol and regulating blood sugar level. It includes broccoli, sprouts and kale.

Health benefits of green vegetables
1. Improve digestive health
The high fiber content in the greens vegetables helps to keep the digestive system running smoothly. Vegetables are very important to keep us healthy and safe. It also reduces the risk of constipation. It is very important for maintaining a healthy digestive health. If we want our digestive system to become healthier than we must add green vegetables in our diet.
2. Enhanced immune function
Vitamins such as vitamin A and C, that are found in high quantity in vegetables are known for their immune boosting properties and functions. These vitamins are very helpful in the production of white blood cells which are essential and helpful for the fighting against infections and illness.
3. Stronger bones
Vegetables plays an important role in maintaining strong bones. Vegetables give sufficient nutrients to the body which are very helpful for a healthy body. Vegetables provide nutrients in significant amounts which helps to prevent bone related disease.

4. Better eye health
Green vegetables are also very important for the eye health. If your eyesight is weak then vegetables are very important for you. If you want to fix your poor eyesight then you must have to add green vegetables to your diet which helps you in making your eyes strong. They help protect the eyes from harmful light and reduce the risk of cataracts and age related muscular degeneration.
5. Healthy skin and hair
The vitamins and minerals that are found in high amounts in green vegetables are very important for making skin healthy. Vitamin A and C found in vegetables contribute to healthy skin and hair. These vitamins keep the skin firm and youthful. Vitamin A is also very helpful in repairing and maintaining skin tissues.
6. Weight management
Green vegetables have a low amount of calories in them. So, if you were on a diet then you have the ability and potential to add vegetables in your diet. Vegetables are actually an excellent choice for those looking to maintain or lose weight. High fiber content in vegetables makes you feel full by eating a very small amount, hence reduces your overall calorie intake.

7. Improved mental health
In higher studies it is also the fact that nutrients that are found in vegetables also have a positive impact on mental health. It has the ability to regulate your mood.
How to add more vegetables into your diet
There are several ways by which you can increase your vegetable intake. These ways or methods are very effective and useful if you want to increase the intake of green vegetables into your diet.
Salad are the great way to consume vegetables. If you really want to increase your vegetable intake then you must use salad in your diet. By using salad, you have the ability to consume variety of vegetables. You can mix and match different greens like spinach, kale, cucumber, lettuce. You can also add some broccoli, beans and peas for extra nutrients.

Green smoothies are an excellent way to start your day. You can blend some vegetables with fruits like bananas and berries to start your energetic day. If you want some extra nutrients then add some almond milk or yogurt. This not only give you extra nutrients but also make a creamy texture of your smoothie.
Soups of green vegetables are also very good for health. You can also add soups of different vegetables in your diet to consume variety of vegetables. Some greens vegetables like spinach, kale, and peas can be added to many soup recipe.

Some vegetables can also be enjoyed as snacks.
Green vegetables are very important and necessary for human health. You can enjoy health benefits and improve your overall health by adding green vegetables to your diet.
Introducing green food in life improves your health. Read this and apply It in your life.