Is it difficult for you to see things clearly? Maybe you do a lot of struggle to see the things written at a distance from you or it is also a chance that it is hard for you to focus on close objects. These all are the signs of poor eyesight. Poor eyesight is really challenging and it is a real challenge for the people with weak eyesight. Instead there are also a lot of ways to improve your eyesight naturally. In this blog, there is a detailed discussion on the topic that how to fix poor eyesight naturally. In this guide we will give you the tips that help you to fix your eyesight naturally.

Understanding your eyes
Eyes are the most important part of the human body and it helps us in seeing the beautiful world and its beautiful creatures. Your eyes are just like a camera which captures everything. They capture light and send the signal to the brain to create the image. If your eyes are healthy, your focus will be better, and thus your vision will be sharper. There are a lot of factors that affect eyesight including increasing age, stress and anxiety and lifestyle.
Causes of poor eyesight
In the present world, every third person has the issue of poor eyesight. This issue is not common in the past and there were only a few people whose eyesight was weak. There are many causes due to which this disease is common, a few of them are given below:

a) Screen time: The main cause of poor eyesight in the digital world is the screen time. In the past, there were no screens and the people mostly spent their time outside and doing physical activities, but in the present our young generation mostly spent their time on the screen which is the main cause of poor eyesight in the present.
b) Poor nutrition: In the past, the people were healthy because they took a healthy diet, but in today’s world everyone prefers junk food which is the main cause of poor eyesight.
c) Lack of exercise: Not doing exercise is also the main cause of weak eyesight. Exercise is not just important for your body but it is also important for your eyes as well. You must do proper exercise for your eyes health if you want to keep them healthy.

d) Aging: As you grow older your eyes may be weak naturally but if you take care of your eyes at present then this factory may also be reduced.
e) Genetic: Sometimes the problem of eyes may run in families and passes from one generation to another.
How to fix poor eyesight naturally
If you clearly understand the causes which makes your eyes week then it is not a big deal to improve your eyesight. If you avoid the causes that harm your eyes then there is no problem for you related to eyesight. Here are a few natural ways that help you to improve your eyesight.
1. Take a healthy diet
Diet plays a very important role in maintaining good eyesight. If your diet is good then there is a high chance that your eyesight may also be good. There are certain nutrients that are very beneficial for poor eyesight.
a) Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps maintain your eyesight and it is a very important nutrient for your eyes. Deficiency of Vitamin A may also cause serious eye diseases including night blindness. If you want to keep your eyes safe then you must include Vitamin A in your diet which is found in sweet potatoes, green vegetables and in carrots.

b) Vitamin C and E: These vitamins protect your eyes from the damage to harmful free radicals. Strawberries and citrus fruits are the rich source of vitamin C. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that is found in nuts, seeds, and spinach.
c) Omega-3 Fatty acids: It is an important nutrient that supports the health of the part of the eye known as retina. This part senses the light and helps us in seeing. Fish, walnuts, and flex seeds are the rich source of Omega-3.
Also make sure to include dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese in your diet to support your eye health.
2. Reduce screen time
As described earlier, screen time is the most common cause of poor eyesight. If you want proper eye health then you must reduce your screen time. You must limit your exposure to the screen especially before going to bed. A high quantity of blue light emitted by the screen which disturbs your sleep and also has a very bad effect on your eyes. Try to limit your screen time and take regular breaks to give rest to your eyes.

There is also an exercise or we also say it a practice that after using mobile or any other digital device for 20 minutes take a 20 second break and look at something 20 feet away from you. This helps reduce strain and refresh your eyes for work.
3. Get enough sleep
Your eyes are also as important as your body. They also need a proper rest. You must take care of them as you take care of your health. If you don’t sleep enough, then your eyes may be damaged. Lack of sleep can lead to serious damages like eye strain, dryness, and weak eyesight. Make sure that you get 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night because when you sleep it allows your eyes to recover.

4. Stay hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is not just important for your overall body but it also plays an important role in keeping your eyes healthy and fresh. Dehydration can lead to dryness of eyes which can cause discomfort and blurred version. Always aim to drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water every day to keep your eyes healthy and hydrated.

5. Wear sunglasses
Protecting your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun is very essential and important. You must have to wear sunglasses before going outside because long-term exposure of ultraviolet rays can damage your eyes. Try to wear the sunglasses that block 100% of UV rays to keep your eyes safe.
6. Reduce stress and anxiety
Stress has a very negative impact on your eyesight. Stress and anxiety is more common among the students because of the depression and pressure of exams. Students must have to overcome stress and anxiety during exam time to keep their eyes fit and healthy.
7. Use the eyewear
If your eyesight is already weak and you have glasses then make sure you wear them. Using the eye wears can reduce eye strain and prevent your vision from declining further. You must consult your doctor after 2 to 3 months. Regular eye checkups can ensure that your prescription is up to date.

8. Work in good light
Many students and office workers, do not have enough light when they work. This is a very bad practice make sure you have adequate light while reading or working on the computer. Most of us often prefer to do work at night but this is not a good practice because sunlight is the real and most effective source of light and you must do your work at day time. Always use a desk lamp for proper light.
Natural remedies for eye health
In addition to all these ways there are also natural remedies that support your eyesight.
a) Aloe Vera juice: Drinking the juice of aloe vera can detoxify your blood and hence improve your eyesight. Aloe vera has all those vitamins and minerals that are important for your eye’s health.

b) Green tea: If you are a tea lover then you must use green tea that can help protect your eyes from damage. It is packed with antioxidants that help you a lot to protect your eyes. Drinking a cup of green tea daily can have a very positive effect on your eyes.
c) Carrot juice: Carrot juice is also a rich source of vitamins. You may also add some oranges to it for good taste. The drink of carrot and oranges is superb for your eyes.
d) Cucumber slices: If you feel tired during your work then there is also a way to refresh your eyes. Placing the cucumber slices on your eyes can help to refresh your eyes and reduce puffiness.
Improving your eyesight by natural ways is a gradual process and often takes time. It requires consistency and patience. You are able to keep your eyes healthy only by doing simple changes in your diet. Now, you know that how to fix poor eyesight naturally while staying at home. So, must try these practices to have healthy eyes.
Remember that if you have any concern about your vision then you must consult with an eye care professional.
How to fix weak eyesight?
Is it difficult for you to see things clearly? oor eyesight is really challenging and it is a real challenge for the people with weak eyesight. Instead there are also a lot of ways to improve your eyesight naturally.
How to treat weak eyesight?
Weak eyesight is really a very big problem and it was clearly understand by those who has weak eyesight. There are a lot of ways to treat weak eye sight. Here are full recommendations that how to treat weak eye sight and how to fix it.
Can i fix my weak eyesight at home?
Yes off course, it is possible that you can fix your eyesight even staying at home. You can treat your weak eyesight by just following a few simple and easy steps. In this blog, there is a detailed discussion on the topic that how to fix poor eyesight naturally.
Fix your eye sight by following natural tips. The tips in this blog is satisfactory.