Quitting smoking is a difficult challenge for people who are addicted to it, but it is also very necessary. Quitting smoking naturally is among one of the best things you can do for your health. As you know it is a difficult challenge, but there are several ways to quit smoking naturally. These ways do not involve any use of medications or nicotine replacement therapies. There are several benefits to quit smoking naturally in which improving health and increasing energy are very common.
In this blog, there is a comprehensive guide on the topic of how to quit smoking naturally. We discuss effective tips, strategies and common lifestyle changes that help you a lot in quitting the smoking. Before discussing the ways to quit smoking naturally it’s important to understand what smoking addiction is.
Understanding smoking addiction
What is nicotine addiction?
Nicotine is actually a highly addictive substance that is commonly found in the products of tobacco. When you smoke, nicotine enters into your blood stream and within seconds this nicotine reaches your brain. When the nicotine reaches the brain it releases a chemical named dopamine, that creates the feeling of pleasure and happiness. This feeling of happiness and pleasure makes the person addicted to it. If you don’t leave it at a time then your body becomes dependent on it.

Why is smoking harmful
Smoking has a very harmful effect on almost every part of the body. We also say that smoking affects the whole body, but there are some diseases that are very harmful including:
Lung diseases: Smoking greatly affects lungs. It has a very negative impact on lungs and leads to the diseases of lungs like pulmonary diseases and lung cancer.
Heart diseases: Like lungs, smoking also has a very bad impact on the heart also. The people who smoke are at the higher risk of heart diseases like heart attack, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases.
Weakens the immune system: Smoking also weakens the immune system. When anyone smokes, the heart and lungs of that person are not working properly and so the immune system also becomes weak. Not only that, but when the immune system of a person is weak, its body does not have the ability to fight with infections.
Premature aging: Smoking also causes skin damage. Wrinkles and skin damage both are the harmful impacts of smoking.
The benefits of quit smoking naturally
When anyone quits smoking, then their body starts to recover immediately. There are a lot of benefits to quit smoking naturally. Here are some benefits that are amazing.
Improve lung function: When you quit smoking naturally it improves the function of your lungs. After a few weeks of quitting smoking the capacity of your lungs starts improving and makes it easier for you to breathe.
Better heart health: Heart health also becomes better when you stop smoking. The risk of heart diseases starts decreasing as soon as you stop smoking.
More energy: When you quit smoking your overall energy also starts increasing. Not only that but it also allows you to feel more active.
Better skin: When you quit smoking naturally, your skin also becomes more radiant and youthful.
Why quit smoking naturally?
The danger of nicotine replacement therapies
Nicotine replacement therapies are very popular, but they are not recommended because it still keeps you dependent on nicotine. Not only that, but nicotine replacement therapies also has many side effects like dizziness, nausea and skin irritation. So, because of these reasons many people prefer to quit smoking naturally to avoid these issues.

Preparing to quit smoking naturally
Set a quit date
Choose a date when you will officially decide to stop smoking. If you have a specific date in your mind then you will do something to work towards. Not only that, but when you set a date it also prepares you mentally for this challenge.
Identify your smoking triggers
Triggers are actually the situation, emotions or habits that make you want to smoke. There are several common triggers of smoking. Most common triggers include:
Stress: The most popular and common trigger of smoking is stress and most of the people find smoke a best way to release their stress and hence stress is the common trigger of smoking.
Boredom: It is also come among the common triggers of smoking.
Social situations: Most of the people starts smoking due to social situations. These people start smoking due to many issues such as family, friends, relatives or many more.
Drinking alcohol: Drinking alcohol is also come among the common triggers of smoking.
Identifying your trigger helps you to avoid them and when you know your trigger if you should easily make strategies to avoid them. So, identifying your trigger is most important to quit smoking naturally.
Set a support system
Tell your family, friends or relatives that you are trying to quit smoking naturally. If you have some people who encourage and support you, then it makes a big difference in your success. You might also join some support groups or might find a quit smoking buddy who is going through the same process.
Natural methods to quit smoking
There are several ways or methods to quit smoking naturally. Some important ways are given below:
Herbal remedies
There are some herbs that reduce the craving of nicotine. Popular herbal remedies include:
- Lobelia: It is very helpful in reducing the craving of nicotine by reducing its effect.
- St. John worts: It is also among the best herbal remedies to quit smoking naturally. It is very helpful in reducing the stress and anxiety which are the main triggers of smoking.
- Ginseng: It is also a very helpful remedy that helps in decreasing the level of dopamine and thus make nicotine less satisfying.
Meditation and mindfulness
Meditation and mindfulness are among the best ways to quit smoking naturally. Mindfulness is really very effective because it helps you to keep control on your thoughts as well as on your feelings and makes it easier to resist cravings. On the other hand, meditation is very helpful is reducing the stress, which is a common trigger of smoking. All you do is to just sit in a peaceful place and exhale or inhale air peacefully.

Exercise and physical activities
Exercise is a great way to reduce the craving of nicotine. It is very helpful in managing withdrawal symptoms. When you do physical activities it releases endorphins, which improves your mood and also reduces the stress. Both exercise and physical activities are among the best ways to quits smoking naturally. Several physical activities like walking, running, jumping and swimming are very good and helpful. Both the exercises and physical activities are not only beneficial for quit smoking, but also has the variety of other benefits.
Diet and nutrition
Eating a healthy diet helps your body to recover quickly from the effect of smoking. When you eat a healthy diet your body has to recover more quickly. Focus on the fruits, vegetables, and whole grains for a perfect diet. When you focus on these things the process of detoxification speeds up and you quickly recover from the bad effects of smoking. Latest studies also show that there are certain foods like dairy products and water-rich foods, they make the taste of cigarette smoke less appealing.
Home remedies to quit smoking naturally
Drinking water
If you drink plenty of water, then it can flush out all the harmful toxins of nicotine from your body. Not only that, but when you drink plenty of water it also reduces the craving of nicotine and also improves the overall health and well-being.
Ginger and lemon juice
Ginger and lemon juice are the natural detoxifiers that help your body eliminate nicotine more quickly. Not only that, but both the ginger and the lemon juice also has a variety of other benefits. So, you must include these things into your daily routine to take benefits from it.
By using ginger to quit smoking, all you do is to just add 1 tablespoon ginger juice and add few drops of lemon in a glass of warm water and drink it daily.
Honey and cinnamon
Honey has natural healing properties that help in soothing your throat and reduce coughing. Honey has a lot of other benefits other than this. Mixing honey with cinnamon can help reduce cravings. You take a tablespoon of honey and sprinkle cinnamon on it, it is really a very effective remedy for reducing craving.
Success stories of people who quit smoking
If your hear the success stories of people who quit smoking naturally can provide you inspiration and motivation.
For example: Sarah a 35 years old mother of two, can quit smoking by using natural ways like mindfulness and herbal remedies to quit smoking after 10 years. She says remarkable words after quitting smoking: “It wasn’t easy, but the natural approach work for me”.

Quitting smoking naturally is a process that requires deduction, patience, and support. Natural methods like Herbal remedies, mindfulness, and lifestyle changes can make a big difference. Every step you take towards quitting smoking can work best for your health.
Remember the journey of quitting smoking is different for everyone and one remedy that might be best for one may not be work for others. So, try to identify what is best for you.
Quitting smoking naturally is a process that requires deduction, patience, and support. Natural methods like Herbal remedies, mindfulness, and lifestyle changes can make a big difference. Every step you take towards quitting smoking can work best for your health.