Headache is a very common problem faced by many people at various stages in their lives. Are you also among those peoples who wants o relieve a headache naturally. Whether it is a minor headache or a major migraine issue, it disturbs the daily routine. With a headache you are not able to focus or to enjoy your day.
As you know every problem or disease has some prevention methods. So, there are also some prevention methods to relieve a headache naturally. There are many natural remedies that help you to relieve a headache naturally. These methods are very simple and effective that promote long term well-being.
In this blog, there is a brief discussion on the topic how to relieve a headache naturally. We cover all the aspects related to it. We discuss the main causes of headache as well as some tips to relieve a headache naturally.
Causes of headache
Before discussing the remedies to relieve a headache naturally it’s important to discuss the causes of headache. If you know the common causes of a headache you can treat it easily. You should avoid these causes to get relief from headaches.
Stress: Stress is the main cause of headache because in stress you take too much tension which becomes the main cause of headache. Commonly when you take stress, a headache starts.

Dehydration: Dehydration is the main and most important cause of stress. When you don’t drink enough water according to the requirement of your body then it leads to dehydration and dehydration is the main cause of headache. Try to drink plenty of water to relieve a headache naturally.
Poor posture: Poor posture is also the main cause of headache. If you sit in an uncomfortable place for a long time, then there is a high chance that your muscles are strained and it leads to a headache .
Diet: There are some things in the diet that cause headaches like alcohol, caffeine, or processed snacks. All these things cause headaches. If you really want to relieve a headache naturally then stop using these kinds of things.
Sleep: Lack of sleep is the main cause of a headache. If you do not take proper sleep then it is confirmed that you have a headache. To overcome this problem or to relieve a headache naturally please take proper sleep because a proper sleep is not only useful for relieving a headache, but also has a lot of other benefits.
Hormonal change: Hormonal changes can also lead to headaches. Fluctuations or changes in hormones especially in women can lead to headaches.
All these are the main causes of a headache. Now, after discussing the common causes of a headache let’s discuss some remedies or methods to relieve a headache naturally.
Natural remedies to relieve a headache naturally
1. Stay hydrated
As you know, dehydration is the main cause of headache. When you don’t drink enough water it does not go towards your brain and in response to this the brain shrinks which leads to tension, anxiety and headache. There was also good news for those people who have headaches due to water shortage. Those people can easily relieve headaches only by drinking water. So, if you really want to relieve it then you must drink enough water.

Tips to stay hydrated
- Keep a water bottle with yourself.
- Try to drink at least 8 glasses each day.
- Eat food that contains water naturally like cucumber, watermelon, and oranges.
- Avoid sugary things because they dehydrate your body.
2. Practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques
Stress is the main cause of tension. So you must try to relieve stress by natural methods to avoid headaches. Practice deep breathing and relaxation techniques to get relief from stress. These techniques not only helpful in relieving stress but also alleviate headache.
Deep breathing exercises:
- Sit in a comfortable and peaceful place.
- Breath in the air slowly with the help of nose.
- Hold your breath for four seconds.
- Exhale the air with your mouth for a count of six.
- Repeat this procedure five to ten times.

Other relaxation techniques
Meditation: Regular meditation is very helpful in relieving headache. Not only that, but it also calms the mind and reduce stress.
Progressive muscle relaxation: Different muscle relaxation techniques are very helpful to relieve headache naturally. When your muscles are relaxed, your body can cope up with stress.
Visualization: It is also a very effective technique for headache. All you do is to just close your eyes and imagine a peaceful place. Latest studies show that it is really a very effective technique for relieve a headache naturally.
3. Use essential oils
Essential oils are actually the extract of natural plants that have been used for centuries to promote healing and relieve pain. Essential oils are very effective for a lot of pains including headaches. In addition to relieving the headache there were also a lot of benefits of using essential oils. Now, let’s discuss the best essential oils to relieve headaches naturally.
Best essential oils
Peppermint oil: This oil is best known for its cooling properties. It helps relax the muscles. Not only that, but it also improves the flow of the blood of the overall body. Mix it with any carrier oil you want and apply on your temples and forehead. This is a very powerful remedy and gives results immediately.
Lavender oil: This oil has a cooling effect in it. In addition to cooling, it also has soothing effects in it which plays an important role in relieving headaches. This oil is perfect for relieving stress as well. There are several methods to use it such as you may inhale it with the help of a diffuser or you may directly apply it on your skin.
4. Adjust your diet
Your diet plays a crucial part in maintaining your body. Diet is not only helpful for physical well-being, but it is also very important for mental health as well. If you don’t pay attention to your diet, then it may be very harmful for you and if you experience frequent headaches, then it may be the problem of your diet and you have to pay attention to your diet.

Foods that may trigger headache
Processed foods: These foods often contain MSG, which may trigger headache and are also dangerous for health.
Alcohol and caffeine: Consumption of alcohol and caffeine are the main causes of severe headache. If you want to relieve a headache naturally then you first leave alcohol and caffeine.
Foods that helps prevent headache
Magnesium rich foods: Take foods that are rich in magnesium to prevent from headache. Some foods that have a high amount of magnesium are almonds, spinach, and avocados.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Actually, the omega-3 fatty acid reduce inflammation so, it is very helpful for relieving headache. It also helps in preventing migraines. Some foods that have a high amount of omega-3 are fatty fish, flex seeds and walnuts.
Ginger: Ginger is a very helpful thing because it has anti-inflammatory properties which can help in reducing headaches. You may take ginger tea or may add fresh ginger to the food you eat. Both these options are very great and amazing.
5. Get enough sleep
Lack or poor quality of sleep are the main causes of headache. When you do not take proper rest and do not give time to your body to recover then your body doesn’t have time to recover and leads to stress and headache. There are some tips for better sleep that you follow to take proper rest.

Tips for better sleep
- Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
- Create a relaxing bedtime routine.
- Take warm bath before sleep If you feel comfortable.
- Avoid screens and other electronic devices before sleep.
Use hot or cold compresses
Applying a hot or cold compress can give you relief from a headache immediately. It provides you quick relief from headache. The choice between the hot or cold compress depends on the type of headache you have.
Cold compress: If you have a migraine issue then cold compress is best for you because cold compress helps in constricting the blood vessels and also reduces inflammation. You can take cold compress by wrapping ice in a towel and applying it to your forehead for 10 to 15 minutes.
Hot compress: If you have a stress or tension headache then hot compress is best for you because it helps in relaxing the tight muscles. Take a heating pad or warm towel and place it on your neck and shoulder to reduce tension.
6. Improve your posture
Bad posture, especially when you sir for a long period of time can lead to muscle tension which leads to headache. If you want to relieve headache naturally then you must improve your posture. A better posture helps in preventing and relieving headache.
Tips for a good posture
- Keep you back straight.
- Keep your shoulder relaxed.
- Take breaks and do stretching in them if you sit for a long period of time.
7. Limit screen time
In the digital world of today, spending long hours in front of the screen may be unavoidable for many people. Excessive screen time is the main cause of headache. When you spend more time on screen then it can lead to severe headache. Excessive screen time not only cause severe headache but also leads to eye strain.

Tips to limit screen time
- Use 20-20 rule: After using screen for every 20 minutes, look at something 29 feet away from you for 20 seconds to give a break to your eyes.
- Brightness: Adjust the brightness and contrast of your screen to reduce eye strain.
- Distance: Make sure your screen is at comfortable distance from you.
- Light-blocking glasses: Use light blocking glasses if you spend long hours in front of the screen.
Headache is a very frustrating and painful experience, but you can treat it with the natural methods we describe earlier. By incorporating those natural remedies or methods into your daily routine you can effectively prevent and relief headache without relying on medicines.
Remember every person is different and the thing or method that might work for someone may not be work for others. It’s very important to try different remedies and choose a remedy that suits you. You must find what works best for you. If the headache becomes severe then consult with the doctor as soon as possible.
By incorporating those natural remedies or methods into your daily routine you can effectively prevent and relief headache without relying on medicines.