People mainly thinks that whether they grow taller or increase height after the age of 18 or not. It is a common question of many peoples. While growth mostly occurs in the childhood but increasing height after 18 is also possible. There are a lot of ways by which you are able to grow taller even after 18. In this guide there is an easy and natural ways to grow taller naturally. Before discussing that how to grow taller naturally after 18 we must discuss then main and causative factors that affect your height.

Factors that affect height
1) Genetics
Our height is largely determined by our genes. Genetics play an important role in our height. If our parents (both the mother and father) are tall then our height must be tall means that if our parents are tall, we likely to be tall as well. So, genetics play an important role in increasing our height.
2) Nutrition
Taking proper and balanced nutrition during growing year plays a very essential role in grow taller naturally. A balanced and healthy diet gives you all the nutrients that help you in increasing height.

3) Physical activity
Regular physical activities are very essential if you really want a good height. Height mainly depends on the physical activities because it promotes healthy growth by releasing growth hormones.
How to Grow Taller Naturally After 18
Growing height after 18 is not complex you must follow some strategies that help you in increasing height. These methods have the ability maximize your height naturally after 18.
1) Maintain a balanced diet
If you really want to increase your height, you must eat a healthy diet. Eating a healthy diet is essential. There are some foods that you must include in your diet to makes you grow taller.
Protein: You must add protein in your diet. Protein is a very good thing that helps you to increase height naturally. There are a lot of other foods which contain protein like fish, eggs and many more. Protein not only good for health but also an essential component for our bones and muscles.
Calcium: Calcium makes your bones strong. It plays an important role in making your bones strong. Add dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese in your diet because these are the high source of calcium.

Vitamin D: This Vitamin helps you in absorbing calcium. It is naturally obtained from sunlight. You must spend some times in the sunlight. Fortified milk is also the big source of vitamin D.
2) Do exercise regularly
Physical activities play an important role in increasing height naturally. When you do exercise your growth hormones released and help keep your bones healthy.
Stretching: Stretching exercise can improve your posture and helps you in increasing height. By doing stretching exercise you are expected to grow taller more. Try exercise like toe-touches or cat-cow stretch.

Swimming: Swimming is a great exercise and helps you a lot in increasing height naturally. Swimming not only stretches your body but also improves overall health.
Jumping: There are many exercise like basketball, volley ball, or rope jumping that helps you in increasing your height.
3) Ensure Adequate Sleep
Getting enough sleep is very essential for health. You must have to take a proper and adequate sleep. Taking a good sleep also improves your memory and concentration. Always aim to sleep at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. Go to bed and wake up at the same time daily. Avoid using digital devices before going to bed because the light that came from digital devices interfere your sleep.

4) Stay hydrated
Drinking enough water is also an important factor in increasing height, water keeps your bones healthy and hydrated.
5) Avoid growth stunning factors
There are many habits that puts a negative effect in your height. You must increase your height by minimizing these factors
Smoking: Smoking puts a very bad effect on your body. It greatly effects your body and is a great barrier in increasing height.
Alcohol: If you really want to increase height then you must avoid alcohol. Alcohol weakens your bones and retards growth.
Stress: Stress is a great factor that lowers your growth. You must have to overcome stress. In the life of students, the main stress causing factor are exams. Students must have to overcome stress and anxiety during exams.
Grow taller naturally after 18 involves focus on your health. You must improve your postures and maintain a healthy and balanced died. A good body physique is also very important for increasing height. You are able to maximize your height by following these few strategies.
Remember, while you may or may not be able to significantly increase your height, you must follow these steps to feel more confident and comfortable.
This information eliminates stress and amazingly helps in growing taller.