Goiter is a term used to describe an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland. Thyroid is actually a gland that plays a crucial role in managing and regulating metabolism, growth, and development with the help of hormones it produces. When this particular gland is enlarged it causes a noticeable swelling in the neck area, which is known as goiter. In this blog we cover everything you need to know about and we also give a detailed discussion on the topic that how can goiter be cured.
Symptoms of goiter
The symptoms of goiter vary on the size of the thyroid enlargement. There are some common symptoms of this disease that are described below
Visible swelling
One of the most noticeable and visible symptoms of this disease is visible swelling in the neck area. This swelling is more visible and prominent when you shave or wear a collar. This swelling may also be painful and greatly affects your daily activities.

Difficulty in swallowing
The patients of goiter face a great difficulty in swallowing. As the thyroid gland enlarges, it can press against the esophagus and cause great difficulty in swallowing. The patients also feels sensation of something stuck in the goiter.
Breathing problems
If your goiter become severe, then it compresses the trachea (windpipe), leading to the difficulty in breathing. This difficulty often becomes severe especially when you’re laying down.
Pressure on the trachea can also cause a persistent cough or changes in voice. This cough often becomes severe in many cases and the patient face many difficulties.

Thyroid Dysfunction
Depending on the underlying causes, goiter can be associated with either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. These both can vary in symptoms such as the common symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, weight gain, and cold intolerance and the symptoms of hyperthyroidism includes weight loss, increased heart beat and heat intolerance.
Causes of goiter
People often ask that what are the causes of goiter and how can goiter be cured. There is also a question arise that whether is goiter curable or hoe can goiter be cured. So to understand the treatment of goiter we first know that what are the causes of goiter.
The most common causes of goiter include:
Iodine deficiency
Iodine is an essential and important mineral that was required for the production of thyroid hormones. If we have the deficiency of iodine then the chances of goiter are increased many times. A lack of iodine in the diet is the most common cause of goiter. When the thyroid gland in our body does not get enough iodine that was required for the production then it enlarged in an attempt to capture more iodine from various blood streams.
Thus if we want to cure a goiter then our first strategy is to fulfil the deficiency of iodine in the body.

Autoimmune disease
There are various autoimmune disease that are the main cause of goiter. These diseases include Grave’s disease and Hashimoto’s disease.
In grave disease our immune system produces too many antibodies that stimulate the thyroid gland to produce too much hormones and thus lead to hyperthyroidism. In contrast to this another disease known as Hashimoto’s, in this disease the immune system attacks the thyroid gland thus causing inflammation and leads to hypothyroidism.
Hormonal changes
Various changes in hormones is also the cause of goiter. Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can increase the demand for thyroid hormones, which in returns leads to goiter.
Genetic factor
Some people often receive it in their genes from the family. These people have a genetic predisposition to developing goiter. If other members of your family also have goiter then there is a high chance that you also got this disease.
Infections and inflammation
Infections and inflammation in the thyroid gland can also lead to goiter. There are various infections like thyroiditis that cause swelling and thus leads to goiter.
Treatment of goiter
Now the main question arise that how goiter be cured. People also often think that is goiter curable. Actually the treatment of goiter varies from person to person. It depends upon the cause, size and symptoms.
If your goiter is small then you do not worry because there is no treatment needed for small goiters. A small goiter does not cause any problems. However if your goiter is large and treatment is needed then you may include options like:
1. Observation
First, you must go to your doctor to check the size of your goiter. If your goiter is small then don’t worry because there is no medication needed for small goiter. Your doctor may recommend regular monitoring to check for any change in size or function.
There are also some preventing measures for small goiter that you must improve your diet and add iodine in your diet.

2. Medication
Medications can also be used to treat the goiter. They plays an important role in the treatment of goiter. There are many medicines recommended by the doctors or health care professional to be used in case of goiter. These medicines include
Levothyroxine: This is a thyroid hormone that can be used to treat hypothyroidism and also helps to reduce the size of goiter. So by using this medicine we can easily cure our goiter.
Anti-thyroid medication: The medicines include methimazole and propylthiouracil which are very helpful and useful to reduce thyroid hormone production in case of hyperthyroidism.
Radioactive iodine: This treatment includes a small dose of radioactive iodine which was absorbed by the thyroid gland and helps to reduce the size of the goiter.
3. Surgery
The most used and effective way for the treatment of goiter is by surgery. If your goiter is severe then it may not be treated by medicines. In this case surgery maybe necessary to remove all the parts or all of the thyroid gland. The procedure of surgery is known as thyroidectomy.

4. Iodine supplements
Iodine supplements plays an important role in the treatment of goiter. If your goiter is caused by the iodine deficiency then you must take foods that have a huge amount of iodine. Foods rich in iodine is the treatment for those goiters which was mainly caused by the deficiency of iodine.
5. Herbal remedies
Some goiter may be treated by some kind of herbal remedies. Some hurts such as bladder wrack and bugle weed are the most popular herbs that are believed to support thyroid health.
6. Nutritional supplements
Selenium and zinc supplement may help support thyroid function. But before using this kind of supplements make sure to take guide from your health care provider.

Preventing goiter
After understanding how can goiter be cured you must know how to prevent goiter. Preventing goiters decreases the risk factors and maintains good thyroid health. Here are some tips for preventing goiter.
Adequate iodine intake: You must make sure that there is an adequate amount of iodine in your diet that you consume.
Regular check-Ups: If you have a family history of thyroid remember that regular thyroid functions test can reduce the risk factor.
Avoid excess iodine: While iodine is an essential requirement to prevent goiter but the excessive intake and also lead to thyroid problems. Follow the proper schedule and consult with the healthcare provided if you take iodine supplements.
Awareness of medication: Be aware of the medicines that can affect thyroid functions and also discuss the side effects with your doctor.

Living with goiter
Living with a goiter is very difficult and can be challenging but if you know the treatment of goiter and know that how can goiter be cured then there is a high chance that you recover faster than those who does not know. Here are some tips that can help you a lot in managing goiter.
Follow treatment plans: Always follow the treatment plan that are given to you by your health care provider. Whether it was related to medicine, dietary changes or the other therapies.
Monitor Symptoms: Keep track of any changes in the symptoms and report them to you doctor. Regular checkups are essential to treat goiter.
Stay informed: Educate yourself about the golden and thyroid health. Understanding your condition can help you make informed decisions about your care.

Goiter is a very severe disease and can result from various causes. Recognizing the symptoms is very essential for the proper diagnosis and treatment. In this blog, we inform you about the main treatment options for the goiter. Now you know how can goiter be cured. So don’t delay and consult with your doctor as early as possible.
The main motive for this blog is to educate the audience about how can goiter be cured. So, you all must take care of your health to prevent this types of diseases.
Almost all diseases can be cured with preventions and cure. Proving the audience to deal with the goiter like disease is appreciable. A great applause of this blog.