What is Cancer ? Complete Overview of Cancer
Cancer is a severe disease in which the cells of the body grows unaccountably. Abnormal cells in the body grows uncountably, leads to cancer. In this disease the abnormal cell of the body can spread to other parts and cause disease. Cancer develops when the normally distributed cells stop working. When the normal cells of the body start growing without control, then it forms a mass which is called tumor. Here in this blog, we will discuss the complete overview of cancer.
History of cancer
Human knows this disease from thousands of year. Early physician recognizes the cancer as a disease but had limited understanding to this and had a few effective treatments. In old ages, cancer was typically treated with surgeries as well as with non-surgical treatments. But, in the start of 17th century, researchers observes cancer cell in the microscope for the first time. In 19th century, the concept of metastasis ( spread of cancer throughout the body) was described for the first time. This period makes the removal of tumor more precise and less traumatic for patients.
There was a huge development in this field after 20th century. The development of chemotherapy and radiation was also occurring in this era. Today, researchers mainly focus on the medicines and advanced therapies for the prevention of this disease.
Types of Cancer
Cancer is the most common disease and is found almost anywhere in the world. There are many different types of cancer, including:

1. Carcinomas:
It is the type of cancer that begin in the skin or tissues and line the internal organs like the lungs or breast. This type of cancer originates in the epithelial cells. When cancer spreads to other part of the body through lymphatic system or bloodstreams and this process is known as metastasis. The symptoms of this type of cancer include lumps, high weight loss, and change in the functions of body.
2. Sarcomas:
It is also the type of cancer that starts in the bones, muscles, or in other connective tissues. Unlike Carcinomas that arise in the epithelial cells Sarcomas arise or originate from the mesenchymal cells. Arms, legs, or chest is the main targeting point of cancer. The symptoms of this type of cancer include lumps or swelling, severe pain, or fractures.
3. Leukemia:
It is the cancer of the blood and often starting in the bone marrow. This type of cancer produces large number of abnormal white blood cells. It usually originates from the lymphatic system and the main goal of this type is to affect white blood cells which are essential for immune defense. The symptoms of this type of cancer includes fatigue, weakness, pain in joint or bones, high fever, and unexplained weight loss.
4. Lymphomas:
It is the type of cancer that begins in the lymphatic system, a part of immune system. The lymphatic system usually includes lymph nodes, the spleen, thymus gland, and bone marrow.
5. Brain and Spinal Cord cancers:
This is the most common and dangerous type of cancer that begins in the central nervous system and affects the brain and spinal cord.
What causes the cancer?
Damage or change to a cell cause cancer. These changes can be caused by various factors:

a) Genetic Factors: Sometimes, cancer runs in families, which mean that you can inherit it from your parents in genetics.
b) Lifestyle Factors: Sometimes, we become the first member in our family who has cancer. This is due to several reasons. The main thing is smoking, drinking too much alcohol, eating unhealthy food, and not getting enough exercise.
c) Environmental Factors: The main and most important cause of cancer is environmental factors. Sometimes, cancer cell develops in the body by exposure to harmful chemicals, radiation, and even viruses can also lead to cancer.
Symptoms of Cancer
The symptoms of cancer are not defined because it varies depending on the stages of the cancer. Hence, common symptoms of cancer are given below
Sudden weight loss
Lumps or swelling
Unexpected bleeding
Pain in various parts of body
Fatigue or Weakness
Change in the color of skin

How Cancer is Diagnosed
If you suspects that you have the symptoms of the cancer, then you must go to the doctor immediately. You may do tests to find out that whether you have cancer or not. Doctors can diagnose cancer upon the following strategies given below.
1. Imaging Tests:
Imaging tests includes X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs to look inside your body. It greatly helps you in diagnose the cancer cells. If you are worried that you have cancer, then you must go with this test because it clearly describes what happening in your body.
2. Blood tests:
One of the way of diagnosing cancer is blood test. In this test doctors take the sample of your blood and check for those substances that might cause cancer. If cancer causing substances are present in the blood, then patient suffers with cancer.
3. Biopsies:
In this type of test, doctor takes the small sample or part of your body tissue and look it under the microscope to see if the cancer cells are present or not.

Stages of Cancer and its mean
The doctors mainly describe cancer by explaining its stage. Actually, the stage of cancer is the way to describe the size and spread of cancer within the body. Stages of cancer typically range from 1 to 4. Here we describe each of them
1. Stage 1:
Stage 1 also known as the first stage of cancer. In this stage cancer cells are small and limited to its place. The cancer of this stage are generally easy to treat. Doctors often do surgery for this stage and is highly effective.
2. Stage 2:
The cancer cell of stage 2 is larger than stage 1 but has not spread to nearby tissues. Doctors can treat this stage of cancer using surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.
3. Stage 3:
Stage 3 cancer cells is larger than stage 1 and 2 and has the ability to spread to other tissues. It is also known as the advanced form of cancer. A range of therapies can effectively treat it. The main goal of these therapies is to control the disease and prevent it from spreading further.
4. Stage 4:
Stage 4 is the most serious and dangerous stage of cancer. It is also very difficult to treat. Medical professors says this stage as the last stage of cancer.
Treatment of Cancer
Doctors treat cancer in a number of ways depending upon the type and stage of cancer. Common treatments of cancer include:
Radiation therapy
Stem Cell Transplant

How to reduce the risk of Cancer?
We can’t completely reduce or eliminates the risk of cancer but can do various things to lower its affects:
1. Quit smoking
2. Eating Healthy food
3. Do Exercise regularly
4. Get vaccination
5. Limit the use of Alcohol
6. Protect you skin
Hence, cancer is a complex disease but understanding its basics helps you to take control of your health and support you to dealing with it. Remember that early detection and healthy lifestyle are key choices against cancer.
Great explanation
Good working and the accurate details.