Traditional Ayurvedic Practices for Modern Digestive Health

In the fast-paced world of today, digestive issues are very common. Common digestive issues include bloating, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). While there are many modern medicines which offer a range of treatments, many people still like ancient healing systems for natural and holistic solutions. Among these natural solutions a very common system is Ayurveda which is a 5,000 year old tradition. Actually, it emphasizes balance and harmony in the body, mind and spirit.

In this blog, we will discuss and explore traditional ayurvedic practices and how they can be adapted to modern life to improve digestive health. Whether you are struggling with the digestive issues or simply looking to enhance your overall well-being, this guide will provide you the complete details on ayurvedic practices.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda which means “the science of life”, is one of the world’s oldest healing systems. Actually, it is based on the system of belief that the overall health and wellness of the body depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. According to Ayurveda, each person is made up of a unique combination of three life forces which is also known as doshas. These forces or doshas have the ability to do various bodily functions, including digestion. Now let’s discuss these three doshas which are helpful for digestion.

Ayurvedic Practices

Three doshas for digestion

  • Vata: Vata helps in the movement of the colon. If there is an imbalance in vata then it can lead to gas, bloating, and constipation.
  • Pitta: It helps in governing metabolism and is associated with the small intestine. If there is an imbalance in pitta then it can lead to acid reflux, inflammation and diarrhea.
  • Kapha: It is helpful for governing the structure of the stomach. Imbalance in kapha can lead to sluggish digestion and weight gain.

Ayurvedic practices for digestive health

Ayurvedic practices are very important for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of Agni, in maintaining overall health. A strong Agni ensures efficient digestion, absorption, and elimination, but on the other hand a weak Agni can lead to toxins, or Ama in the body. Now, we will discuss some key Ayurvedic principles for supporting digestive health.

1. Eat according to your Dosha

Eating food according to your Dosha or force is very necessary. There are different foods for different doshas.

  • Vata: If you have vata Dosha then focus on warm, moist and grounding foods like soups, stews and cooked grains.
  • Pitta: For the Dosha of pitta look towards cooling and hydrating foods like cucumber, melons and leafy greens.
  • Kapha: For the Dosha or force of Kapha choose light, dry and warming foods like legumes, spices, and steamed vegetables.

Taking food according to your Dosha type is very important for better results of Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Practices

2. Follow a regular eating schedule

  • Eat your largest meal at the mid of the day when Agni, digestive fire is strongest. So, what you eat is easily digestible by the body.
  • Avoid eating the food late at night because the process of digestion is very weak at that time.

3. Practice mindful eating

  • Mindful eating means that you should eat in a relaxed and calm environment.
  • Chew your food properly for faster digestion.

4. Incorporate digestive spices

  • Use digestive spices for better digestion. Common digestive spices include ginger, cumin and fennel. These digestive spices help in stimulating Agni. In addition to it, it also improves the process of digestion.

5. Stay hydrated

  • Staying hydrated is very important for ayurvedic practices. Warm water plays a main role in supporting digestion.
  • Avoid cold drinks because they weaken Agni.

Ayurvedic herbs for Digestive health

Ayurvedic practices depend upon herbal remedies to support digestion and overall health. Here are some commonly used herbs which are very helpful in digestion.

Ayurvedic Practices

1. Triphala

  • Triphala is a blend of three fruits (amalaki, bibihitaki, and haritaki).
  • It has very powerful detoxifying and digestive properties.
  • How to Use: Take a capsule or powder or triphala before going to bed for regular bowel movements.

2. Ginger

  • Ginger is also very helpful in supporting digestion.
  • It has the ability to stimulate Agni. Thus, when Agni is stimulated, bloating is also reduced. Not only that, but ginger also has the power to relieves nausea.
  • How to use: You can either take ginger in the form of tea or in the form of pieces. Drink ginger tea or chew on fresh ginger before meals.

3. Fennel

  • Fennel has the ability to reduce gas, bloating, and indigestion.
  • How to use: Using fennel is very easy. Just like ginger it is used in various forms. You may either take fennel tea or chew on fennel seeds. The big difference between ginger and fennel is that ginger is taken before meal and fennel should be taken after meals.

4. Licorice (Mulethi)

  • Licorice which is also known as Mulethi is common language is a very powerful thing for improving digestion. It has the ability to soothes the digestive tract. In addition to it, it also has the ability to reduce inflammation.
  • How to use: You may take licorice tea or take as supplements (avoid if you have high blood pressure).

5. Turmeric

  • Turmeric is also very helpful in reducing inflammation and supporting liver function.
  • How to use: You may add turmeric directly to your meals or drink turmeric milk.

Ayurvedic practices for digestive health

In addition to diet and herbs, there are various ayurvedic practices to support digestive health. These ayurvedic practices are very helpful and are highly recommended.

Ayurvedic Practices

1. Abhyanga (Oil massage)

  • Oil massage is very beneficial for improving digestion. It gives a lot of benefits like it has the ability to stimulate digestion, improves circulation, and reduce stress.
  • How to do it: Oil massaging is very simple. You just massage warm sesame or coconut oil onto your body before showering.

2. Yoga and Pranayama

  • There are specific yoga poses like twists, forward bends and various breathing exercises which has the ability to stimulate digestion. Not only that but it also has the power to reduce bloating.

3. Tongue Scraping

  • Tongue Scraping is also among the very helpful ayurvedic practices to improve digestion and oral health.
  • How to do it: Use a copper or stainless steel tongue scraper every morning.

4. Fasting

  • Fasting is one of the best ayurvedic practices. Actually, when we are on fast it gives the digestive system a break, and allows it to reset and detoxify.
  • How to do it: Intermediate fasting is one of the best solution for this.

Adapting Ayurvedic practices to modern life

As you know that Ayurveda is an ancient system but its principles can easily be adapted to modern lifestyle. Here are some tips by which you can easily apply ancient ayurvedic practices to modern life.

Ayurvedic Practices

1. Start your day with warm water or lemon

Always try to start your day with warm water and lemon. Take one glass of warm water and add a few drops of lemon in it. This simple practice helps in improving your digestion and detoxify the body.

2. Incorporate Ayurvedic Superfoods

Add ayurvedic superfood to your diet. Common ayurvedic superfood include ghee, ashwagandha and Amla. Add these common ayurvedic foods to your diet for better results.

3. Create a calm eating environment

Creating a calm eating environment is essential for proper digestion of food. When you sit to eat make sure that screens are off. Sir down properly and focus on your meal to improve digestion.

4. Practice stress management

Add simple stress management techniques to your daily routine for fast digestion. Incorporate mindfulness, meditation, or yoga into your routine to reduce stress which have very negative impact on body as well as on digestion.


Traditional and ancient ayurvedic practices offers a timeless and holistic approach to digestive health. You can easily improve your digestion by incorporating these ayurvedic practices into your daily routine. Actually, the Ayurveda provides valuable tools for improving digestion and overall well-being.

1 thought on “Traditional Ayurvedic Practices for Modern Digestive Health”

  1. Traditional and ancient ayurvedic practices offers a timeless and holistic approach to digestive health.

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