Leg cramps are sudden and painful contractions of muscles in the legs. It is very painful and mostly occurs at night. Sometimes, when we do hard physical activities it becomes more significant. It not only disturbs your daily routine but also your sleep. Understanding the causes and cure of this disease is very much important for the management and prevention of this disease. When you learn about the causes and treatment of this disease you can easily manage and handle it. This blog provides you with amazing and outstanding detailed information about leg cramps, their causes, cures and treatment.
What are leg Cramps
Leg cramps also known as muscle spasms or Charley horses. They are involuntary contractions of the muscles in your legs. These cramps can last for a few seconds to even several minutes and in some cases it may also remain for days. They are mostly common in calf muscles but can also affect the thigh and feet.

Causes of leg cramps
There are several factors that become the causes of leg cramps. Understanding these causes are very important because they can help in preventing and managing leg cramps effectively.
Dehydration: When your body does not have enough water then leg cramps usually occur. So if you really want to get rid of this disease then you must stay hydrated. Staying hydrated is very important especially during exercises and hot weather.
Electrolyte imbalance: Several electrolytes like potassium, calcium and magnesium play a very important and vital role in the functionality of muscles. An imbalance in these electrolytes can lead to muscle cramps.
Overuse of muscles: If we do intense physical activities then it also becomes the cause of leg cramps. Overuse of leg muscles can also be the major cause. This cause is mostly common in athletes and people who engage in strenuous exercise.

Prolonged sitting or standing: If we remain in the same position for a long time then it also becomes the cause of leg cramps. So if you want relief from this cause then move around and stretch regularly.
Inadequate blood supply: Several conditions like peripheral artery disease and other such types of diseases which can reduce blood flow to the legs thus cause cramps.
Pregnancy: Pregnant women also experience leg cramps often due to the change in circulation and increased pressure on the muscles of legs.
Certain medication: There are also some medicines like diuretics and statins which are the big cause of cramps. These medicines not only cause cramps but also have several other side effects.

Medical conditions: Several conditions like diabetes and thyroid disorders can also lead to leg cramps.
Symptoms of leg cramps
There are several symptoms of muscle cramps and you have the ability to diagnose them easily. Common symptoms are given below:
- Sudden and severe pain in legs
- Tightening and hardening of the muscles
- Discomfort
- Soreness in muscles
How to cure cramps
Leg cramps are very painful. One who faces it knows its severity. Finding relief from leg cramps can be very essential and important. Here are some simple and effective ways by which you can easily cure your cramps.
1. Stretching and massaging
Cramps can easily be cured by doing stretching. Stretching the affected muscle can provide immediate relief. Massaging the affected muscle gently can also help relax the muscle.

2. Applying heat or cold
Applying a warm towel or a heating pad to the affected area can also relax it. If you don’t like to put a warm towel or a heating pad then instead of doing this you can also put some ice packs to get relief.
3. Staying hydrated
Drinking plenty of water is very necessary and beneficial for treating leg cramps. You may also drink some electrolyte-rich fluids which can help prevent cramps caused by dehydration and electrolytes imbalance.
4. Proper diet
Eating a balanced diet that includes potassium, magnesium and calcium is very necessary for preventing leg cramps. Several foods like bananas, oranges, spinach, and dairy products are a good source of minerals and hence they help in preventing cramps.

5. Regular exercise
Engaging in regular exercise is also very helpful in keeping your muscles in good condition. Engage in regular and moderate exercise can help keep your muscles healthy. Make sure to warm up before exercising and cool down afterwards.
6. Wearing proper footwear
Wearing supporting shoes can help you a lot in preventing leg cramps. This is especially important when you stand or walk for long time.
7. Avoiding prolonged sitting or standing
Must try to take regular breaks to move around and stretch if you have to sit or stand for a long period.
Treatment for leg cramps
If your leg cramps are frequent and Severe then you might need medical treatment. There are several treatments that your doctors might recommend.
Medication: There are several medicines that might be helpful in relieving plain such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. These medicines are very effective and can have the ability to treat leg cramps easily.
Physical therapy: If you often face leg cramps then visit a physical therapist. A physical therapist can teach you stretching and strengthening exercises that help prevent cramps.

Treating underlying conditions: If an underlying condition can cause your cramps then managing these can help you a lot. For example: if you have diabetes or any other diseases then you can treat cramps by treating these disorders.
Home remedies for leg cramps
Home remedies can be very effective in managing and treating leg cramps. There are several home remedies that help a lot in treating leg discomfort. These remedies are given below.
Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar is the best way to balance electrolytes. It is rich in potassium and helps in managing electrolytes. Mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in warm water and drink it before going to bed.
Mustard: Consuming a tablespoon of mustard can also provide quick relief for cramps. Mustard has special power that gives you relief for leg cramps.
Magnesium oil: If you have severe pain in your legs then you can also use magnesium oil on the affected area. It not only relaxes your muscles but also gives you sudden relief from cramps.
Chamomile Tea: Chamomile tea is also the best way to relax your muscles. It has antispasmodic properties that can help you a lot. Drinking a cup before going to bed can prevent night time Cramps.
Leg cramps can be very painful and disruptive. Understanding the causes and cure is very necessary for treating this disease. You can easily manage leg cramps by only following the tips and tricks which were given above. If your cramps are severe then you must consult a doctor.
If you take steps toward leg cramps then you have the ability to spend a comfortable and active life which is free from pain and other discomforts of legs.
This is very diverse problem and I don’t find the solution of this anywhere. Thanks for providing me such informative advices.