Blood pressure, as you know is a dangerous disease that forces the blood flowing through your blood vessels. It is a serious health problem that can lead to heart diseases. Managing blood pressure is a very difficult task and no one can manage it easily. Hence, in this blog we will tell you that how to lower the blood Pressure at home by using dietary supplements.
In some cases, people have to change their overall life for controlling blood pressure, but even they are not successful. Your diet must be good, and you must exercise regularly to control this disease. In this blog we explore the mechanism and effectiveness of various dietary supplements and tell you that how to take care of your self. Before keeping an eye on the supplements you must know what blood pressure is.

Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a life-threatening condition that puts strain on the blood flowing through your blood vessels. Commonly, blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury represented as mmHg. There are two sorts of blood pressure named as systolic and diastolic.
Types of blood Pressure:
Systolic Pressure: It is the pressure of the heart when it beats or pumps out.
Diastolic Pressure: It is the weight of the heart when the heart is at rest between beats.
Range of blood Pressure:
Normally, blood pressure is typically around 120/80 mmHg.
Hypertension occurs when the range of blood pressure is around 140/90 mmHg. When the range of blood pressure comes around that of hypertension then our body has to face serious health issues. Now, it’s time to discuss the concepts of dietary supplements.
What is Dietary Supplements
Actually dietary supplements are the products that contain a variety of things such as vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and other herbs and botanical things that support our health and keep us fit and healthy.
Dietary supplements can occur in various forms such as in the form of tablets, capsules, liquid, powder and many more.
Now, we discuss the supplements that help us in lowering blood pressure.
How to lower Blood Pressure at home:
Here are some dietary supplements that helps you in lowering blood pressure at home.
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Garlic
- Beetroot
- Vitamin D
- L-arginine
- Coenzyme Q 10
- Hawthorn
1. Potassium:
It is dietary supplement that helps to manage the amount of sodium in cells. When the amount of sodium balance in the cell it helps to manage blood pressure. High sodium levels increase the blood pressure. Potassium moreover loose the blood vessels so that blood weight remains consistent.
Sources of Potassium:
There are a huge variety of things in which potassium was found. We take potassium from the following things
a. Fruits: Banana, Orange, Apricot, Dates etc.
b. Vegetables: Spanish, Leafy green vegetables, peas, cucumber etc.
c. Dairy products: Milk, yogurt
d. Whole grains: brown rice, whole grain pasta, bread and many more.
Potassium is also found in many other sources, including nuts, seeds, and seafood.

2. Magnesium:
It is also a dietary supplement that balances blood pressure by regulates the level of calcium in blood. When the level of calcium is balanced in the body then our blood vessels are relaxed and so blood pressure will also be normal.
Sources of Magnesium:
If someone has the deficiency of magnesium then it can be filled with the following sources
a. Fruits: banana, avocado etc.
b. Vegetables: potato, leafy vegetables, okra etc.
c. Grains: Rice, Bread, Pasta etc.
It is also found in many other things like seeds, nuts, dairy products, legumes and many more.
3. Garlic:
Garlic has allicin in it, which has the properties to relax blood vessels and improves the flow of blood. By improving the quantity of garlic in the body we have the ability to balance our blood pressure. If someone has a huge problem of high blood pressure then they must add garlic in their routine so that they may be able to balance their blood pressure.
Sources of Garlic:
The main source of garlic is fresh garlic. We may also take garlic in other forms such as in the form of powder or oil.

4. Beetroot:
Beetroot has the tall amount of dietary nitrates which the body changes over into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is also able to regulate the flow of blood by balancing blood pressure.
Sources of beetroot:
Fresh beetroot is the main source of this but like garlic it can also take in different forms like beetroot juice or powder.

5. Vitamin D:
Vitamin D plays an awfully critical part within the control of blood weight. It has a high capacity to regulate blood flow.
Sources of vitamin D:
The main and most common source of vitamin D is the sun. We can take a huge quantity of vitamin D from the sun exposure. Fortified food and the supplements of vitamin D are also the big source of vitamin D.
6. L-arginine:
L-arginine has the same function as that of beetroot and also produces nitric oxide which relaxes the vessels of the blood and lowers the blood pressure.
Sources of L-arginine:
It is found in an assortment of things such as in ruddy meat as well as in angles and dairy items. It is also found in nuts, seeds, beans and many other things.

7. Coenzyme Q 10:
It is mostly written as CoQ10 and has antioxidant properties in it which helps in lowering blood pressure.
Sources of CoQ10:
It is mostly found in fishes, meat, and poultry. Its supplements are also present in the market. One can also complete its requirements by taking supplements.
8. Hawthorn:
It has antioxidant and vasodilatory effects in it which greatly helps in lowering blood pressure.
Sources of Hawthorn:
The main source of hawthorn is berries. People often found hawthorn in tea leaves and flowers. Furthermore, it is also available in the form of capsules.
By taking the above mentioned things everyone can easily control its blood pressure at home and save them from this dangerous disease.
In conclusion, I want to say that dietary supplements can be a valuable part of the strategy of lowering blood pressure at home but before taking any supplement you must consult your doctor to ensure whether the supplement is good for your health or not. Hence, dietary supplements can be a better approach for maintaining blood pressure and also for cardiovascular health.
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