Pregnancy is a very difficult time. Staying active in this period of time is also very difficult but it is also very important. When you remain active it helps you feel good, keep you healthy, and makes your delivery easy. Doing exercise during pregnancy plays an important role in child birth and also reduce the pain during child birth. It can offer many benefits. Here, in this blog there is a simple guide that how to do exercise during pregnancy.
This guide will help you to understand that how to exercise safely during pregnancy, with easy to understandable tips and information. Firstly, you must know the benefits of exercise during pregnancy.
Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy
Doing exercise during pregnancy has a lot of advantages, including
Improve mood: Exercise can help reduce stress and anxiety so when your stress and anxiety are reduced your mood improves automatically.
Better sleep: Exercise is very important for better sleep. Regular physical activity can help your sleep better.

Increase energy level: Staying active helps you in increasing energy level and when your energy level is higher it can help you in reduced pregnancy symptoms like back pain, constipation, and swelling.
Easier labor: Exercise keeps you fit physically and mentally and when you are fit physically and mentally you can easily handle labor better ad recover soon after delivery.
Safety Tips for Exercise During Pregnancy
Before starting exercise during pregnancy, its important to keep safety measures in mind. Here are some tips that you must follow before starting exercise during pregnancy. These tips ensure you and your baby stay safe while staying active
1) Consult your doctor
Before starting any kind of exercise, it’s important that you must consult your doctor or health care provider. They can give you better advice that can exercise safe for your specific pregnancy and is there any specific exercise that you should avoid.

2) Listen to your body
Your body continuously changing during pregnancy and it’s important to listen it. If you feel that something does not right, stop doing exercise immediately and take rest.
3) Stay hydrated
Drink plenty of water to keep you and your baby hydrated. You must aim to drink enough water before, after, and during exercise to keep you hydrated.

4) Avoid high risk activities
You must avoid those exercise that involves a risk of falling down or the risk of abdominal trauma.
Safe exercises during pregnancy
There are many exercise that are safe during pregnancy. These activities are not only safe but are also beneficial.
1) Walking
Walking is a simple and effective way to remain active. It is a very easy exercise and can be done almost anywhere. Aim to do 30 minutes walk daily. If you are not comfortable you must take rest or short sessions break.

2) Swimming
Doing swimming is a great exercise that is very important for your cardiovascular health. When you do swimming water supports your weight, which helps relieve pressure on your joints and back. You must aim to swim 30 minutes, if you are not able to do it daily aim to do a few time a week.
3) Prenatal Yoga
Yoga is very important and has the ability to reduce stress and anxiety. It helps improve flexibility, strength, and give you relaxation. These classes are specially designed for those women who are pregnant or facing pregnancy issues. You may join a prenatal yoga class physically or online.
4) Pelvic floor exercise
Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can help prevent urinary incontinence and prepare you for your labor. Practice Kegel exercise by just squeezing your pelvic floor muscle. You must aim to do 10 to 15 repetition of this exercise, a few times a day.
5) Stationary cycling
Riding a stationary bicycle is a great exercise to make you active and to get your heart rate up without having any risk of falling. This exercise is also very important for your joints.

Exercise to avoid during pregnancy
There is some exercise that are not safe during pregnancy. You must avoid these for a safe journey.
Heavy weight lifting: You must avoid heavy weight lifting. It’s not good for your health. Lifting heavy weight can strain your body and also increase the risk of injury.
Avoid high risk activities: Avoid the activities or exercises that has a high risk of falling.
Avoid Contact sports: Avoid activities like basketball, soccer, or boxing. These activities can lead to injury or you may be fall.
Doing exercise during pregnancy is a great way to stay safe, healthy, and good. There are also a lot of other tips for a healthy pregnancy. Exercise prepare you for your upcoming child. You are able to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a little planning and dedication. Exercise not only improves your overall health but also keep you fit physically.
The information is beneficial and increases the mental and physical health.