In today’s world, managing screen time for kids becomes the greatest challenge for parents. In this world, screens are almost everywhere like smartphones, tablets, computers, televisions, and even smartwatches. As you know, that technology has a lot of benefits and offers many educational and entertaining opportunities, but on the other hand too much screen time also harms the health of your child mentally and physically.
Therefore, it is very important for the parents to find a balance between screen time and other healthy activities. In this blog, our motive is to discuss the best practices for managing screen time for kids. We highlight tips, strategies, and other helpful recommendations that are very important for the parents for managing screen time for kids.
What is screen time?
Screen time is the time that your child spends on digital screens. Digital screens include TV, video games, computers, laptops, tablets, or smartphones. Most of the kids spend most of their time on screen that badly affects their health. Children who spend several hours of the day on seeing screens have very bad physical health. Not only that but the children who spend most of their time on screen have a very mad mental health and well-being.

Key points to learn:
- You must know that all screen time is not bad. There are some apps and programs that promote learning.
- Excessive screen time completely affects the health of a child like it interacts with quality sleep, physical health and activities, and social interactions.
Why Managing Screen Time for Kids Is Important
The brains of kids are in the developing phase and excessive screen time badly affects this development. Excessive screen time slows the process by limiting the opportunities for physical health and social interactions. Latest studies show that the children who spend most of their time on screen can suffer from the following disadvantages.
Sleep problems: The fist and most important problem faced by children who spend most of their time on seeing screen are sleep problems. Actually, the blue light that comes from the screen can badly affect the sleep cycle. Thus, when your body not takes its complete sleep, it does not work properly. So, due to this problem managing screen time for kids is very important.

Behavioral issues: Children who spend a lot of time on seeing screens have to face many troubles on paying attention and controlling their impulses. It also greatly affects the abilities of study. When children are not able to pay attention, obviously they do not concentrate on studies. So, if your children don’t pay attention on studies then limit their screen time.
Obesity: Excessive screen time limit the physical activities and thus children become obese. The children who spend their time on seeing screen can not go outside to play and as a result become obese.
Physical health problems: Excessive screen also has a lot of negative health problems. If you spend too much time on screen then it can also contribute to poor muscle development in young children.
After seeing these problems it is very important for you for managing screen time for kids. It is necessary for the parents to set limits and guidelines on screen time to ensure it does not negatively affect the health of their child.
What is considered healthy screen time?
The amount of time spend on the screen depends on the age of the child. There are different guidelines for different age groups.
Under 18 months: Don’t give mobile or any other digital device to you children under 1 and half year or 18 months except when they want video chatting with family.
18 months to 2 years: Introduce high quality programming, but parents must see what their child sees on the screen. Parents must keep an eye on the activities of their child.
2 to 5 years: Limit the screen time of 2 to 5 year children to 1 hour per day. Parents also keep an eye on their children that what they watch.
6 years and older: Place the limit on screen time by ensuring it does not interfere with the sleep, physical activities, and other things that promote overall health and well-being.

While these are general guidelines, each family is different and there are different rules and regulations of every family. Hence, it does not matter from which family you belong the important thing is managing screen time for kids.
Practices for Managing Screen Time for Kids
1. Set screen time limits
It is very important to set a proper screen time limit. You must see how much time your child spends on screen time. Make sure that the screen time of your child does not become excessive. You can also use the apps to manage and monitor screen time to make this process easier.
- Set daily or weekly screen time limits.
- Don’t allow your child to use the phone in bedrooms or dining areas.
2. Encourage Physical Activity
Parents must encourage their child to do physical activities and engage in them. Encouraging physical activity is among the best practices for managing screen time for kids. Physical activities are not only beneficial for limiting the screen time, but were also very helpful in improving the overall health.
Ideas for balancing screen time with physical activities
- Create a schedule that includes both the outdoor and indoor activities.
- Join your child in activities so that they enjoy.
- Limit screen time when the weather is good and enjoy it.

3. Be a Role Model
Children often occupy the behavior of their parents. If you spend a lot of time on your mobile phone, then your child does the same. It is a very important step for managing screen time for kids. Show your children how to balance screen time with other important activities. For example:
- Avoid using screens during family meet ups.
- Turn off the TV when you are not actively engaged.
- Give time to screen free hobbies like reading, cooking, or playing games.
4. Create Screen-Free Zones and Times
The most important and essential tip for managing screen time for kids is to design specific areas in your home that are screen free. Design specific areas or time during the day that are screen free. This step helps children a lot in limiting their screen time. For example: there are specific places in your home that must be screen free like:
- Bedroom should be screen free.
- During family meals.
- Don’t touch screen during study.
- In the morning.
These are the most important screen free zones and time in which you should not touch the screen and remain busy in other activities.
5. Encourage Quality Content
While limiting the screen time of children parents must understand that not all screen time is created equal. Educational content and interactive apps are very beneficial and give benefits to your children. This type of content benefits a child’s learning and development. On the other hand, excessive use of social media and other entertainment apps can have a very negative impact. As a parent, it is your responsibility to guide your child towards quality content.
- Choose age appropriate apps.
- Choose programs with your child and discuss what they are watching.
- Use educational websites that encourage problem-solving.
Managing screen time for kids is a very challenging time for many parents. In the digital world, balancing screen time for kids become a challenge. However, parents has the ability to managing screen time for kids by implementing the best practices mentioned above.
Remember that your goal is not to eliminate screens from the life of your child completely, but your goal is to create a balance between screen time and other physical activities. Make sure that the screen time becomes a positive part of your child life’s.

Key points:
- Set clear screen time according to the age of your child.
- Encourage physical activities.
- Create screen free zones and time at home.
- Monitor and adjust screen time limits.
By following these best strategies and practices, you have the ability to limit the screen time of your child. Try to enjoy the benefits of technology while protecting yourself from the drawbacks of too much screen time.
By following these best strategies and practices, you have the ability to limit the screen time of your child. Try to enjoy the benefits of technology while protecting yourself from the drawbacks of too much screen time.